Smart Home Automation

Imagine being out of town and knowing a hurricane is headed towards your house. With a simple touch on your smart phone, you can automatically control your shutters and check your security cameras to give yourself piece of mind.

Better yet, it’s the holidays and your friends and family are heading over to celebrate, set the mood by having music stream through your entertainments space, create the perfect climate, and control all of your lights with the touch of a button for easy entertaining.

As is with most things, home technology systems to control lights, music, entertainment, climate and security have advanced significantly over the last few years and homeowners can use their smart phone, tablet, a keypad, or in-wall touchscreen to conveniently operate all of these systems.

Let CITE Solutions make all of your smart home automation dreams come true.

Smart Climate Control

In Florida, air conditioners work overtime. Lower the stress on your home comfort systems by remotely controlling temperature when no one is home. Remote control of smart climate systems will save energy costs and extend the life of these systems.

Voice Recognition

How many times have you had your hands full with groceries, the dog, or juggling the kids and just wished you had one more hand to turn on the lights? We can make your home work for you with a simple voice command like “Turn on the lights”, “Lower the shades”, “Turn on the TV”, or just to ask what the weather for the day is like so you know if you’ll need sunglasses or an umbrella. Whole House Voice Recognition has you covered.